Guardians of the Covenant
Watch Part One Below
Guardians of the Covenant is a film series aimed at the British people with a prophetic edge, calling the nation to repentance, in light of the Abrahamic covenant and coming judgement at the hand of the Jewish Messiah, Jesus.
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Part Two
Foundations of Britain
Before turning to historic relations with Israel and the Jewish people, Part 2 looks back through the foundational years of our Nation. It covers a glancing history of Britain up until the turn of the 20th century, church history of Britain, the British Empire, and what made Britain great. It hopes to inspire Christian mission, invoke an awe of God’s patience, build healthy patriotism, and equip the body in prophecy and prayer. In light of the scriptures, to discern events to come, we must understand the Nation’s foundational orientation against the current trajectory.
TIPS for watching
Each episode is published in 4K and intended to be viewed as such. While we cannot control the compression of video platforms (which causes flicker and posterization), you can change your settings on the video to ensure your best viewing experience.
Change video quality on YouTube:
In the video player, select the Settings icon ⚙️
Select Quality
Select 2160p 4k (or 1440p if it keeps buffering)

Will You Back This Ministry?
Without financial support this ministry wouldn’t exit. The Guardians of the Covenant films are entirely produced by Stephen Buckley. From recording and editing 6K video and sound, drone footage, graphic illustrations and animations, writing and presenting, to website and social design and promotion. These come at significant personal cost and therefore any financial support is very much appreciated.
To give as a one off or a regular basis please use the link below.
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I ask, then, has God rejected his people? By no means!
— The Apostle Paul